by Raynovich Rod | Feb 15, 2013 | BIOgraph, Macro
The Stock Market Realty Shows In case you missed it stocks lately are being driven by hedge funds and celebrity billionaires who tout their positions. The Icahn vs Ackman drama is the latest high profile realty show featured mainly by CNBC-TV. Biotechnology stocks...
by Raynovich Rod | Feb 7, 2013 | 2024-25 Life Science Portfolios, BIOgraph, Macro
Raise a Little Cash as Macro Focus Brings Choppy Action Life Science stocks took a hit today underperforming NASDAQ which was down only 3.35 pts. The biotech sector has been pretty much on a tear since the November bottom as they re-accelerated in mid-December. The...
by Raynovich Rod | Jan 22, 2013 | BIOgraph, Biopharmaceuticals, Life Science ETF's and Mutual Funds
Bullish Mentality Drives Usual MO-vers: PCYC, MDVN, REGN, SGEN It is hard to add biotech stocks to your portfolio at these elevated levels but big players like Fidelity, Cap World, JPMorgan, T.Rowe Price and selected hedge funds- Orbimed, Baker Bros, etc can drive...
by Raynovich Rod | Jan 16, 2013 | BIOgraph, Life Science ETF's and Mutual Funds
Biotech ETF’s Slightly Outperform Life Science Mutual Funds There has been an ongoing debate in the media on the performance of ETFs compared to actively managed funds so we have compared the performance in a hot sector like biotech which is entering its 5th...
by Raynovich Rod | Jan 14, 2013 | BIOgraph
Healthcare Sector Gets Boost from JPMorgan Conference-Large Caps Lag Except CELG Most life science stocks were quiet today after a strong showing during the JPMorgan Healthcare Conference Jan. 7-10. The biotechnology sector was up over 35% in 2012 and usually this...
by Raynovich Rod | Jan 3, 2013 | BIOgraph, Clinical Diagnostics and Tools
Rayno Diagnostics and Tools -Another Year of Outstanding Performance In a volatile year with a few earnings disappointments and the summer doldrums, the sector did quite well due to synergies with new drug therapies, technological innovation such as genomics and...
by Raynovich Rod | Jan 2, 2013 | BIOgraph, Biopharmaceuticals, Clinical Diagnostics and Tools
The Bi-Partisan Cliff Deal Nobody Likes (Except the Market) Investors like the tax deal as it is favorable to investors despite the tax increases. Stocks are holding their gains after a “mini-fiscal” cliff deal that drove the Dow and S&P up 1.7% and...
by Raynovich Rod | Dec 24, 2012 | BIOgraph, Biopharmaceuticals
Outstanding Year for Biotechnology -Average Performance is up 35% YTD Many Rayno Life Science Stocks have outperformed the sector and the ETFs: Albany Molecular Inc. (AMRI), a contract research organization with long term experience in drug discovery, development and...
by Raynovich Rod | Dec 21, 2012 | BIOgraph, Clinical Diagnostics and Tools
End of Year Rally Crushed By Turmoil in Budget Talks Up until late yesterday investors were optimistic about a budget deal with the “Kubuki Theater” Congress. You have heard enough about the fiscal cliff and non-starter proposals to avert the fiscal cliff...
by Raynovich Rod | Dec 3, 2012 | 2024 Rayno Tools and Diagnostics Portfolio, BIOgraph, Clinical Diagnostics and Tools
Rayno Tools and Diagnostics Stocks Continue Rally Tools and Diagnostic stocks have been the laggards in the Rayno Life Sciences Portfolio compared to biopharmaceutical stocks. Selected stocks within the Rayno Portfolio have perked up and we suggest some rebalancing....