by Raynovich Rod | Sep 14, 2012 | BIOgraph, Clinical Diagnostics and Tools, Macro
FED Policy Boosts Risk Assets -QQQs Should Outperform IBB We expect the biotech sector to slightly underperform NASDAQ (QQQ $70.22) in light of “QE Forever” yesterday and the shift to financials, materials, tech and other risk assets. Prior to yesterday...
by Raynovich Rod | Sep 13, 2012 | BIOgraph, Macro
Gold, financials, energy and materials soar-Gold up $34 to $1767 You have been hearing about the FED and QE for weeks now and today announced a $40B/month purchase of mortgage securities and after a slight delay the bull market roared ahead. Interest rates will be...
by Raynovich Rod | Sep 3, 2012 | BIOgraph, Biopharmaceuticals
Valuations Don’t Matter-Institutional Holders Are the Drivers Medivation (MDVN $105.65) sold off 3 pts Friday on modest volume today as profit taking ensued after the big run-up from the high 95. With a market cap of $3.89B the sales of the FDA approved drug...
by Raynovich Rod | Aug 27, 2012 | 2025 Rayno Biopharmaceuticals Portfolio, BIOgraph
ImmunoGen Gets Boost on Breast Cancer Drug Survival Results Immunogen (IMGN $14.36) and Roche announced improved overall survival (OS) as well as progression free survival (PFS) in a Phase III trial for its trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) drug utilizing Targeted...
by Raynovich Rod | Aug 16, 2012 | 2025 Rayno Biopharmaceuticals Portfolio, BIOgraph, Life Science ETF's and Mutual Funds
QQQs Outperforming Biotech ETFs IBB and XBI-Take a Little Off Biotech Stocks are weak again today with both ETFs showing distribution and momentum moving toward the bottom of the channel. Nothing major but 3-5% off July tops. The QQQs continue to outperform today up...
by Raynovich Rod | Aug 1, 2012 | 2025 Rayno Biopharmaceuticals Portfolio, BIOgraph, Biopharmaceuticals, Clinical Diagnostics and Tools
Biotechnology Sector Hit with Profit Taking This week’s Barrons: The West Coast Was the Right Coast Wedbush ranked #1 in % change 6 mo (+12.75%), one year (+18.84%) and three year (81.05%) stock picks and Seattle’s McAdams Wright Ragen scored #1 (+14.1%)...
by Raynovich Rod | Jul 27, 2012 | BIOgraph, Macro
Vague talk about Monetary Actions in Europe Sparks Broad Three Day Rally It started yesterday with Draghi saying that ECB actions are being proposed that would reduce bond yields in Italy and Spain. Draghi will hold talks with Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann in...
by Raynovich Rod | Jul 25, 2012 | 2024 Rayno Tools and Diagnostics Portfolio, BIOgraph, Biopharmaceuticals
Rayno Life Science Focus Stocks Are Strong-TMO Added Biopharmaceutical stocks continue their run today beginning with higher sales expectations for Regeneron(REGN $128) with their eye drug for macular degeneration.Regeneron raised expectation for Eyelea to $700-750...
by Raynovich Rod | Jul 13, 2012 | 2024 Rayno Tools and Diagnostics Portfolio, BIOgraph
2012: Four Big Winners Up 30-40% in DX and Tools Portfolio: ABAX, EXAS, GPRO, ILMN In a volatile year with dire macro news and low growth forecasts the NASDAQ was up 10 % YTD and the Rayno Life Science Portfolio had its best year since 2010. M&A continues to play...
by Raynovich Rod | Jul 6, 2012 | BIOgraph, Clinical Diagnostics and Tools
Vermillion Stock Outperforms BG Medicine Since April 3 On 4/3/12 we posted the biomarker challenge featuring two emerging public companies that have approved diagnostic products. In a few weeks we will have Q2 financial data on these two companies BG Medicine (BGMD)...