by Rod Raynovich | Apr 27, 2010 | RAG
Missed Opportunity in Health Reform-Wellness and Prevention On Monday April 26 a panel of executives and leaders including Michael Milken, moderated by CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo convened to discuss Health Reform in a session focused on “Prevention and...
by Rod Raynovich | Apr 20, 2010 | RAG
Yesterday we presented an overview of the use of Biomarkers(BM’s) for predictive use in the treatment of Lung Cancer. Here are some additional summaries from the American Association for Cancer Research(AACR) meeting on Monday.Researchers from Fox Chase Cancer...
by Rod Raynovich | Apr 19, 2010 | RAG
GenomeWeb published an update (scroll down)on Helicos on Friday April 16. Full Year Revenues for fiscal 2009 were $3M and although R&D and Admin expenses were cut the Net Loss for the Year was $28M. Helicos has been working with the investment bank Thomas Weisel...
by Rod Raynovich | Feb 24, 2010 | RAG
Microfluidics announced Year-End 2009 and Q4 results yesterday and delivered numbers pretty much according to plan. Q4 Income was $80k; Gross margin at 60% Achieved $525k EBITA for Full Year; R&D was cut to $449k for Q4 but management says no impact on new...
by Rod Raynovich | Feb 16, 2010 | RAG
Many of the issues coming out of the healthcare reform discussion: rising medical costs, Medicare budget, need for better clinical outcomes, push for biogenerics have caused concern among investors and limited returns in the healthcare sector. Although M&A...
by Rod Raynovich | Jan 12, 2010 | RAG
Over 5000 people piled into the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco for the 28th Annual Conference. Investors, Company presenters and entrepreneurs were emboldened by good biotech sector returns in 2009 of 18-28% with many stocks reaching new highs. Seasonality...
by Rod Raynovich | Aug 20, 2009 | RAG
Vaccine shortages may require targeting of subpopulations As health officials in the Northern Hemisphere mobilize for the annual Flu season compounded by the pandemic H1N1(Swine) Flu, production of a vaccine looms critical. Last week the WHO said that H1N1 Flu is...
by Rod Raynovich | Aug 17, 2009 | RAG
A continuation of the broad market sell-off that started Friday picked up speed at the open but has stabilized; traders are anxiously looking at the last 15 minutes of trading to see if a downdraft kicks in. The US Dollar Index is at $79.26 off its daily highs but...
by Rod Raynovich | Aug 6, 2009 | RAG
Biotech stocks were unusually weak today with many mid-caps down 3-4%. High flier CBST was down even more due to an Oppenheimer downgrade. The ELN lawsuit against Biogen regarding the Tysabri deal with JNJ didn’t help matters. More analysis to follow as this is...
by Rod Raynovich | Jul 13, 2009 | RAG
The reflation trade caught some bids today with energy, precious metal, real estate, agricultural and industrial stocks all following the lead of the financials.Many of the energy stocks are near their intermediate lows so this could be a good entry point for the...