2018 LaNina Delivers March Storms-Blocking High Pressure Gone!

This NOAA site called the change in February and predicts more cold and wet weather ahead.

Mammoth Mountain Expects Big Storms in March-Season Has Been Saved!  Snowmaking and Grooming Kept Skiing Good in February Despite only 28 in. of snow.

  • 18 in. of New Snow-Bringing Season Total to Only 163 in. with 57 in. in March.
  • Last Season had 617 in. of snow!
  • ’75-’76 had only 94 in.; 2014-15 only 176 in.
  • Los Angeles rain still way below normal: 2018 season 3.12 in vs Normal 12.34 in


LaNIna Hell in California 

Update as of 1/28 shows above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation for next 10 days. Los Angeles has seasonal precipitation of less than 2 inches season to date and a red flag warning this week with high winds. San Francisco has no rain in forecast. Head to Northern tier States especially Montana for cold and snow. Mammoth did get a foot of snow late last week.

Update 1/24/18 Several inches coming over next 2 days but long term outlook dominated by blocking High Pressure in Pacific

Looks like Montana is the ticket especially Big Sky Resort.


Update 12/29/17 High Pressure in Control Until Late Next week

Looks like finally we may get a breakthrough with storms making it into California. We we will provide a detailed update by Monday.


Update 12/12/17 Dry Pattern Will Continue in California

Jet stream remains far to the North and is variable so even AR storms unlikely. Red flag warning in SoCal with Santa Ana winds brings power line ignition risk as well.


Update 12/10/17 Thomas Fire Threatens Carpenteria

LaNina Dry and Windy Under High Pressure-No Rain in Sight Through Next Week 12/15

Four SoCal Fire Updates on Links Below-Offshore Winds Through Friday

Typical fall weather but late in season has gripped Southern California with persistent high pressure and extremely dry Sant Ana wind conditions. Winds of 35-50 mph will continue through the weekend. Four fires underway but freeways getting better. Check US 101 N of Ventura.See all links below.

New…...Fire Update from NYT: Special Fires Edition

NOW 7 Fires with Thomas Fire the Largest and still only 10% Contained; near Ojai and Ventura.

See this map for fire locations-101,405 Now Open-Bad Air Quality from four fires.

SoCal is on Fire from High Winds: Local State of Emergency

Longer Range Forecast: No rain in Sight for Ten Days-San Francisco

NOAA Shows High Pressure in Control through Day Six

Unisys 8-14 Day-Below Normal Precipitation, Above Normal Temp

CA Statewide Fire Map…Zoom to See Thomas Fire North of Santa Paula

Read about +PNA over BC From Sheckter Below……

Howard Sheckter Says this is famous +PNA anchored over BC Canada

Look for some in ppt in Seattle by next weekend 12/16, maybe out >10 Days Far North Bozeman, Montana


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